Something I'm not quite clear on yet is exactly what constitutes out of class racing....I know it's frowned upon and understand why but where is the line drawn? Here are some theoretical scenarios I either have been or expect to be involved in at some point: (betchya can't guess which are which :lol: )

Scenario A - an AI car goes off, has a bad start, or for some other reason ends up behind a pack of let's say 4 CMC2 cars and wants to catch an AI car in front of that pack. If the AI car tries to make his way through the CMC2 pack is that a problem? If the CMC2 cars protect the inside line preventing a pass, is that a problem?

Scenario B - The reverse of that would be let's say two AI cars battling it out and a CMC2 car passes one of them and gets in the middle. Any issue there?

Scenario C - Two backmarkers in different classes and nobody else in sight. Seems silly to say they can't try to pass each other but wouldn't that technically be "out of class racing"?

I know it's a gray area but some sort of guideline would really help guide my decisions on track.