This was by far the best race weekend I've ever had!

Got in a few sessions on Friday and aside from having to figure out a fuel leak issue, was able to get enough track time in to figure out my lines on a bran new track.

For R1, I got stuck behind traffic at the start and got freight trained by half the CMC2 field by T2. Settled in and started making some ground on Brian until I started having brake heating issues. After that, it was all I could do to try and hold Jim off while saving my brakes. I managed to hold him off until I got a bad exit coming out of the bitch and he was able to pull me down the back straight. I gave my brakes one last time to perform and tried a late brake before the last turn. Jim stayed with me on the outside of the turn until he lost grip and slid off to the outside. After that, I backed off and cruised in for the finish.

R2. Got a decent start but had to go easy and try to manage my brakes the whole race. I set a nice pace but not enough to keep Brian behind me. He eventually divebombed me going into the bitch, I saw it coming and tried to brake early and come back inside but we were too close to the edge of the track. I had the exit speed to get past....but not the pavement! Decided to keep my foot in it despite going four off until car started pointing in directions other than the one it was going and the cockpit was filling up with blowing grass. I backed off and settled in, having accepted my fate (and brakes).

R3. Had an outstanding start and managed to late brake my way into second going into the bus stop. Tried to hold off Frank and Marshall but knew I was just prolonging the inevitable, so I didn't try too hard (or unsafe). Settled in behind Chris after T1 on the second lap and enjoyed the open track until Frank spun in the bus stop. After that it was traffic free running until I noticed Frank steadily catching back up to me. Did my best to keep my speed up hoping the checkered flag would wave before Frank caught me but he was too fast. Once he passed, I just did the best I could to match him through the turns but that big Cobra just walked me on the straights.

R4. That was THE race. This is why I race! This was the best, most exciting race I have ever had! Got jammed up in traffic going into the bus stop and let some of the faster CMC cars by. Once I settled in behind them I was able to make up lost ground and found myself back behind Jim and Brian. I was able to pass Jim and then Brian in two laps going through the bus stop and managed to put some distance between us. After that I settled in and tried to save gas and brakes for the long haul ahead. That proved to be a mistake as Brian and Jim were able to catch back up. I started pushing it again but was held up by CMC2 traffic. I don't mind though, because it set up the best race of my life!
It started with Brian divebombing me 3 turns before going into the bitch and pulling ahead of me. I chased him back around and managed a divebomb going into the bus stop. I flogged the car for the next 10 minutes or so, trying to get the #11 (not Michael) CMC2 car behind me so I could have a buffer, but he was just fast enough to stay ahead. All of a sudden I hear a car downshift on the inside of me going into the bus stop. I didn't even see him! I held my outside line going through the turn and managed to stay in the lead until 3 turns later when I oversteered and drifted through 6 & 7. I lost just enough speed for Brian to pass on the inside before 8. I chased him down going into the last lap and passed back inside on 6 but he was able shoot back inside me coming out of 7....again! I stayed as close as I could, braked early and grabbed 2nd going into the bitch and stomped the gas for all it was worth, and it was just enough. Brian slid coming out of the bitch (and missed a shift?). and I had just enough exit speed to get ahead of him going into the last turn. Whew!!

Big thanks again to Randy for the deluxe air mattress, Frank for the gas cap, Jerry for the bleeder and Brian for the new brake fluid. I had one hell of a weekend and can't wait to do it again at TWS!