This Texas AI/CMC group is amazing. I'm pleased to announce that we just sent Mr. Raybob Coleman $650 worth of our appreciation for the participation and friendship he has given to our group over the last few years. I even got donations from a few I don't even think I've met yet. Good people look out for others, even when there is nothing to gain. Which goes to show you how great this group is and why we race together, even through all of our own pissin' and moanin'. ;-)

I've received a few responses from guys who would love to pitch in but just can't swing something right now. No Problem! You are in no way obligated but if you chose to donate when you can, send it to

Raybob: Sorry for your troubles buddy and we all hope to get it all worked out. You do realize this obligates to you run with us in the future right? ;-) Also give a special thanks to Mitch Warren and Marshall Mosty for exceptionally generous donations.

Thanks Again!!!
