Forum has been a little slow lately so thought I'd post some progress pics of the AIX to AI conversion that's been draining every ounce of sweat out of my body....

Bilstein coilovers (courtesy of Mindy's track car - "Deliverator"), rebuilt lower control arms, Global West might actually turn now and stop eating the sidewalls:

StopTechs (also courtesy of Mindy & Deliverator...I'm officially in the red on marriage credits now:

New valve springs:

Restrictor plates - hopefully one of these will get me AI legal without major tuning issues...shooting for 3350lbs / 350hp. Dyno day coming soon...witnesses welcome:

Complete power distribution redesign & re-wire to fix the bujeezus out of the fuel pump issues I had at Hallett:

HUGE thanks to Mindy for not only sacrificing the trick parts off her new ride but also correctly installing all the driver side stuff while I screwed around with the other side. Simply amazing. I must have suffered terribly in a past life or something.... Hey, I did replace it all with AIX championship winning parts. Oddly that didn't seem to make a dent in my marriage credit deficit though....

Bunch more little stuff to do but it's coming along nicely...can't wait for ECR!