Active AI Racers
67 Wayne Caudle 3rd Gen Camaro
80 Brian Cook Mustang
7 David Donovan Fox
117 Jim Dulaney 4th Gen Firebird
29 Casey Holdway 4th Gen Camaro
52 Dave Kagan SN95
71 John Linton Fox
21 William Montgomery Fox
67 Marshall Mosty Fox
8 Mike Patterson 4th Gen Camaro
132 Frank Robertson SN95
328 Mark Smith S197

06? David Armstrong S197
27 David Love 3rd Gen Camaro (mid 2013)
23 Dave Neary SN95
21 Eddie Rock SN95
121 Mike Stacey S197

Comp Schoolers
15 Trent Huffman Fox
36 Mike Snavely SN95
42 James Strader Fox
56 Bill Swendsen S197

Conversions from TT
98 Mark Lopilato S197

404 Brian Calder S197 (end of 2013)
75 Daron Cook SN95
TBD Tom Hoyle 4th Gen (waiting to buy a car)
42 Robert King Fox
97 MFW SN95 .......