Todd, i still see no reason we can't be there by sunday evening.
most all of the guys up here i have spoke w/ are concerned about leaving dallas later than noon saturday. Adam had to be @ work up close to the track on monday. he will drop off monday night.
abuse Rob and get that motorhome packed up friday night and pull out @ 6am saturday. should put you in Dallas @ 10am.

the trip is 1150 miles or so from Dallas. @ 60 mph its 19hrs of windshield time. add in fuel and food and tee tee :roll: stops and its no more than 24hrs. if we stop and sleep saturday night for about 4-6 hrs, so 30 hrs. leave @ 10am from Dallas, put in 12hrs driving, 6hrs sleeping, and another 12 driving, we should be there around 6-8pm sunday. we sleep late monday.

as for plywood, i'll pick up my stuff when i'm there on monday.