OK guys, lets get this organized! Who is bringing what for the banquet? Food for yourself (and a few others would be a good idea). We will likely have allot more guests than normal being as we are having it at the track. This will result in folks from other classes coming to hang out, eat and see the much anticipated 2012 AI/CMC Year In Review Vid. Please let folks from other classes know they are invited.
Obviously we will need main course items, but some sides will be nice as well. Something to eat with and on (and put food in as it comes off he grill). BYOB for yourself and guests.
Head count from our group is 40+. My bet is we will end up w/ 50-60 at the very least.

Please arrive as early as possible. I'll be doing Annual Inspections as soon as I arrive. Please be ready for this as I'll need to hit the ground running. I plan to be taking the day off work to arrive as early as possible (noon?). We will be doing these inspections, some will be dyno'ing, some have signed up for CBP. We will still need folks for tent set-up and banquet prep. Anyone against an official start time of 7pm for the banquet?

What did I forget?

Me - Awards!