Quote Originally Posted by BryanL View Post
Went to the doc for my physical today-just waiting for my bloodwork to come back. Doc thought I was interesting since I had a plate in my head and missing a digit-I just told him you should see the rest of the guys I race against. Luckily I'm just under 40 so I don't have any story's like Dr. Frank!
I need to find 50 pounds to add to the car after the rules change to make "2013-The Year of The Fox!"-checking with Smiley's about their 25 lb bricks-let me know if you have any easily mountable ballast you want to get rid of. Should get the car out of storage next Wed-Thur. Dyno scheduled for Friday morning. Looking forward to swapping paint with Glenn-just hope I can be a slacker-doubt I can keep up with that illegal #55. Can't wait to have a great time and have a little surprise in store, too.

Anyone want to flare some brake lines and get rid of my ABS so I can install a brake prop valve? Al/Glenn-can I get an annual on Friday afternoon/evening?
Bryan, I have a 45 lb plate that you can borrow for the next few events if you wish. It did sit in a Fox for a few years so its a little whiny.
I'll also bring the Hutch for some late night bicycle slalom. ;^)