Sorry about going off topic!

<------ Forum Rookie!

It's absolutely acceptable to go talk to another driver as long as you bring a good attitude with you.

I like to bring a bottle of water and introduce myself as the driver of *inset car color, model, and #* and ask them what they thought happened. Letting them go first will almost 100% of the time let you know which way the conversation is going to go. It will usually go one of three ways:

1) "Oh man I'm so sorry about that" or "my fault". *handshakes* and everybody goes on about their day.


2) Something along the lines of "what were you thinking" or "Oh you stupid MFer...." at which point you should immediately walk away and report to a race director.


3) "There's mustangs out there?" In which case you can choose to keep a good attitude and respectfully do some educating and/or involve a race director.

What's most important is that these things see attention and action to the challenge at hand at the track during the event. We can build blue sky on the forums till our letter fall off the keyboards, but I'd much rather address it at the track and have people leaving the event happier or at least better educated on these issues.

Please feel free to use me as a resource at the track. I'm happy to give unbiased input on situations you have questions about, or even backup a busy Race Director on an issue. This is still very fun for me so I'm happy to help anytime.