R1 highlights
A strong qualifying run put Marshall’s #67 “Firestone Racing” Mustang sixth on grid and 4th in class. A strong run trying to keep up with the top 3 cars put #67 at an interesting advantage. An out of class Mazda destroyed a transmission going into “gut check” and proceeded to spill oil over half the race track, on the racing line!!! Thanks to “Boudy”, the majority of the field was utilizing radios to hear what ended up being very important safety broadcast information. After receiving the “oil on track” transmission, Mosty looked hard for the glint of oil on the track. Seeing the slick line appeared proved to be key in keeping the Mustang on track. Dave Irwin in the second ’05 Mustang entry couldn’t react fast enough to the oil on the track going trough T16 and spun off track into the mud. This gave 3rd place, “Toyo Bucks” position to Mosty.

R2 highlights
Race 2 was an inverted rolling start based on R1 finishing order. Mosty raced hard and clean to take an uneventful 4th position with no major “racing” taking place. Ensuring that Chris Lyons in the #101 “Brooks” car stayed behind was the main goal for this race. Lyons was not a factor for Mosty during this race.

R3 highlights
Wet qualification and no transponder put AI #67 at the back of the pack for the start. Full treads were chosen, however were not the proper choice for the drying track conditions. A hard fight for 3-4 laps to get through CMC traffic put me fighting with Chris Lyons in Jeff Brooks’ “rented” car. Positions were swapped more times than can be recalled. After a missed shift coming out of T5, Lyons passed Mosty going down the back straight. Mosty decided to initiate a banzai move going into the sweeper and hardly lift. Unfortunately there was not enough room to slow the car going into “bus stop”. Mosty took it 4 wheels off and proceeded with the pedal to the metal to regain track position. Lyons won the pass with a better line than Mosty’s grass line. Mosty was never able to regain the lost position and finished 6th behind White, Marvel, Irvin, Capps, and Lyons.

R4 highlights
Race 4 was an inverted rolling start based on R3 finish. Mosty started on pole for AI behind David Armstrong, the sole AIX entry for the weekend. Mosty held off Marvel, White, and Irvin for several laps before succumbing to the freight train torque monsters of the top 3 cars. David Capps, driving the typically piloted Spencer Sharp ’05 Mustang fought hard to get in front of the #67 car. After a missed shift (again) coming out of T5, the massive torque of the ‘05’s 351 pulled the new SLA prepared ’05 to a lead position in front of the lower powered 302, stock front suspension setup of Mosty. However, weight was key during the long corners and hard braking zones as Mosty’s 2825lb car could out brake and turn-in harder than the 3600 lb ’05. In the end, #67 didn’t have enough brakes going into T16 to pass Capps. Mosty finished the race 4th in class.