Getting black flagged because someone else hit you is a complete load of crap.


Getting black flagged because you got into the marbles or locked up and put 4 off is HPDE, not racing. There's room for that kind of penalty, but I hope that it's a very rare thing to see and it's only chosen when someone repeatedly overdrives their car, as in going off track multiple times in a race and not when someone makes a move, ends up in the marbles, and spends a few seconds in the dirt.

I understand and appreciate the need to eliminate contact and make it more than clear that it isn't to be tolerated - I've been more than clear with many that I'm in no hurry to enter the fray until the largest gathering of CMC/AI racers for the weekend isn't the line to pick up contact forms - , but the "punish everyone regardless of fault" mentality indicates a strong desire to send a message but a very weak mechanism to do so and won't lead to anything but resentment. Something needs to be done about the contact and I applaud the fact that it's being taken seriously, but if you're going to be pulled off the track because someone else made a mistake and bumped you from behind, that's not the right answer.

I got mugged last week and now I'm in jail because the new law says both the mugger and the mugged have to do time...