Depends on the track layout. If you have a track like TWS that has big sweeping turns then I would say you could probably make a soft setup work.

However, if you are on a track like Cresson's 1.3, Houston or other tight and twisty track with QUICK transitions, I would say a stiff setup would work a lot better to control the quick transitions from left to right turns.

I still think you guys in CMC are running setups that are WAY too soft and could run much higher wheel rates to keep the cars planted as well as use less static camber to help under braking. I have dropped nearly a full degree of camber out of my car and braking has improved substantially.

Also, I would think that to drive a soft setup consistantly are going to use up the tires a lot faster and maybe even get them greasy.

But...I am speaking from an AI perspective so it may not apply to CMC...?