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Thread: NASA CCR's and section 27.12

  1. #21
    Senior Member Site AdminGrass-Passer cjlmlml's Avatar
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    Ok, Mitch, maybe this covers it.

    23.1 Participant Conduct - Expectations
    It is expected that every participant and driver (entrant) at a NASA sanctioned event
    shall conduct themselves according to the highest standards of behavior and
    sportsmanship, particularly in their relationship with other drivers and Officials, and in a
    manner that shall not be detrimental to the reputation of NASA. Failure to do so may
    result in harsh penalties.

    Or this:

    23.1.2 Unsportsmanlike Conduct

    Any unsportsmanlike conduct, on any scale, is not welcome at NASA events. Acts of
    unsportsmanlike conduct have many forms such as arguing, yelling, intimidation,
    aggressive physical contact, and losing without grace. Other forms are willfully using
    non-performance technicalities to hurt another competitor’s point standings to the benefit
    of one’s own, “sandbagging,” and failing to report a mistake in scoring that benefits
    themselves. No form of unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated at any NASA event.
    Competitors that show poor sportsmanship due to a mistake in judgment will be
    educated, and punished if necessary. However, competitors that commit repeated acts
    of unsportsmanlike conduct cannot be educated; therefore expulsion is most likely the
    only remedy.

    Or maybe this:

    27.8 The Melee’
    Whenever a melee’ occurs, or there is a case involving more than two drivers, try to
    access the situation based on the actions of the driver that started it. When penalties
    are issued to the offending driver that started the melee, they should only count the
    original incident. The other cars that were involved are considered to be collateral

    Wiggle out of that Meleee man.
    AI # 12

  2. #22
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby mitchntx's Avatar
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    Re: Mitch

    Quote Originally Posted by cjlmlml
    Wiggle out of that Meleee man

    I surrender ... I think you got me, sheriff.

    But I don't blame you ... you were just doing your job.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby
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    I just don't see how this is a new rule since it is in the CCR? As a rookie I guess I need to be told what rules in the CCR we follow and which ones we don't? Kind of like I know the speed limit was 65 on the way to TWS so I never went under 65.
    I find it interesting that Boudy says most drivers would earn 5 points per season. I'm not picking on Boudy. Just pointing out that he believes most drivers would definitely have contact multiple times.
    Mitch quickly stating 6 names and others who have sustained heavy damage seems like a high number considering the size of our run groups. He listed only CMC drivers so it seems like 25% of the drivers have sustained heavy damage? Does that sound right?
    I don't have a good understanding of why certain people have left the series. I understand there will always be people coming and going. It does make me wonder if some people would like to run with us but have never come run with us because there is too much carnage?
    I have to admit I am somewhat confused. I certainly don't have any idea of what happens or what the repercussions of contact really are. As a rookie coming in and following what happens I feel I was conditioned to accept that contact would happen at some point. Then on the flip side there isn't suppossed to be any contact.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby
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    Brian, to put it simply, there are those that feel any contact is reason to hang up their driving suit and stay home and watch their herb gardens. Racing just isn't for them...and they leave, great, just leave peacefully and don't rag on the group to others because YOU make a decision for YOU to leave. No need to get the rest of the world to co-miserate with you to make you feel more justified in your decision because you are just robbing them of the fun they could be having.

    Others in this GREAT group of drivers, understand the risks vs. reward, have weighted them in their minds, and have made a decision to stay because this is just the funnest shit you can do as an adult!!! Really it is rare that anyone leaves a weekend without a smile on their face.

    As for the CCR's, we follow EVERY one that is currently printed. Each may carry different weight or receive different levels of attention, but as a driver in NASA, you are required to adhere to every one of them at any time you are behind the wheel, and with regards to sportsmanship, while off track and off line even in the way you represent NASA if you want to keep a comp license. Trust me, I was once warned from National about my "opinions" and in hind sight, I was wrong.

    Contact is a fact in racing...preventing it at all costs is our goal. Preventing contact for any reason is your job as a driver. The only other Prime responsibility you have as a driver is have a fucking awesome time for your efforts.

    Adjust all the above to make things work for yourself and see you at the next event!
    Ah, fugg it.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby mitchntx's Avatar
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    I am thinking we are doing you a terrible disservice by segregating CMC and CMC2.

    One of the strong suits that NASA-Tx has is it's ability to race in traffic. I think that is why Texas has done so well at a NAtional level.

    BY splitting the starts with us 3 always in the back, by qual or by invert, you don't have an opportunity to gain that valuable experience.

    The data processing rate when in a pack of cars is astronaumical. Not only do you have to make adjustments based upon what the cars in front of are doing, you have know how those adjustments will affect the racers behind you. Every action has several reactions that ripple all through the field.

    While according to the bible you have every right to a particular line, the "situational awareness" required to avoid contact still falls within the context of CCR and club racing. You might not be deemed at fault, but your actions started a chain of events that culminated in contact.

    I'm not saying you or anyone is guilty of this. Just explaining how a lack of experience can create a less than desirable karma.

    So, maybe we need to re-think the way we've been gridding so that all racers can get the exposure they need to be competitive.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Grass-Passer
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    (This is Martin on Misty's account)

    Mitch, you bring up an interesting point. In group 7, I have to race with a lot of different car types, all gridded by qual times. I think it has helped me as a driver (even though I occasionally bitch about it) because I've had to figure out how to use the different characteristics of the other cars to my advantage (and to my class competitor's disadvantage). Racing with mixed classes opens up some opportunities if you have the right frame of mind about it, and racing with traffic is always more fun than being out there alone.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Rookie dirwin's Avatar
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    funnest or funniest? :lol: Don't blast me, I am go grammer or spelling expert, I just couldn't resist. And I know what you meant. Putting a race car on the track is one of the most enjoyable things you can do and at times this can be some of the funniest shit you have ever seen.


    All the directors I know hold to the letter of the law with the CCR and it is the drivers responsibility to know what the CCR says. Different topics get focused on with varying intensity and that is mainly due to the different perspectives people have of what they see going on. The old saying it isn't wrong, it is just different, while applicable in a lot of the discussions of opinions around here, it is not always heeded. It is not to say that some disregard others opinions, it is just to say that some have some very sore spots and some others enjoy to take a stick to those sore spots. Matt is right, if you are going to play this game you have to weigh the risks vs rewards, and if the risks outweigh the the rewards, thats okay, this ain't for everyone. If, on the other hand, it is the other way around, there really are a bunch of great guys and gals around that share the same feeling and this can be some of the "funnest" times you can have with some really great, and different, people.


  8. #28
    Senior Member Rookie dirwin's Avatar
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    I especially like all of the cat pictures Mitch comes up with. Mitch you must have them sorted into emotional categories, too funny.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby GlennCMC70's Avatar
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    those are Mitchs "kids".
    he's a lonely ol' man.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby jeffburch's Avatar
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    Matt and David. great stuff.
    These are the times of our lives.

    Has anyone ever EVER seen a (any) race without any sort of contact?

    In other regions they do the Thunder/Lightning deal.
    Knuckle draggers vs. Cake Eaters.
    A lot of mixed class racing and I've always felt this was the way to do it.




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