What a weekend. First want to thank Mark Smith for his incredible hospitality! Second thanks to everyone who was there for such a fun weekend including having my wife, kids, and Dad out. Sure was fun teaching my kids to ride the little 50 around at the track and having my son follow me around in the garage.
Congrats to all the winners and to Michael Mosty for winning a much deserved Driver of the Year in addition to Pranav and Sean's awards-well done guys. Really great to be able to showcase that to the rest of NASA. Now all we need to do is work to shake our contact stigma. Which brings us to the downer for the weekend.
Yes, Craig lost his brakes totally at the braking zone for Little Bend. He had video so will post it this week but sure it was a scary ride. I didn't have a clue it was going to happen so was pretty surprising. Fortunately everyone is going to be okay and cars can be fixed or replaced. Again I believe the safety equipment and specifically my halo seat did it's job. But certainly need to look into a few more upgrades on safety with a new helmet/visor and considering a fuel cell. All in all I think we are lucky it wasn't much worse. But I agree we should have a safety discussion on here specifically related to brake lines, possible failures, or anything preventative.
Here again the group is what is awesome as the help/advice/parts that have been offered is great to see. More to follow.