Mitch, glad to hear you are getting through the funk. Thanks for the suggestive info and the underlying statement of appreciate what you have and make sure you are ready for the future.

That being said, I would say any one of us could be a victim of what I am currently going through. I only suggest that you all do some research into divorce law in the state of Texas to help protect yourselves in any way you can prior. I hope and admire that most of you have VERY supportive spouses that stand behind you 100% with our shared addiction. I can only say that I thought I had that too and it was all a lie. I only wish I had seen it earlier or realized that my fairy tale marriage that I adored and was admired by friends, was about to vaporize in a blink of an eye. I was completely unprepared.

All I can faithfully say without being too negative is that ANYTHING you don't want her to get her hands on whether it be money, cars, documents or even your socks......LOCK THEM UP so they can't be taken.

Beyond that, everyone have a wonderful holidays....see you in April.