If these fall off the same as the RA1 then I don't have a problem. I was not aware of that big a drop off in the RA-1. I usually would cord a tire before it got too slow to run. This was before the current set-up on the 55 and now that I don't run so damn much negative camber the heat cycles may become an issue with either tire. So figuring half day practice with three or four runs prior to most race weekends I was seeing about 10 heat cycles per weekend. Maybe heat cycles has been an issue with me since day one and I did not realize it. From Jeff Burch talking about thin to wins I assumed we wore out the tires prior to them slowing down. Maybe we are all learning something. I thought the faster guys like Michael (and Burch back in the day) were running their RA-1's until they corded........NO?