Quote Originally Posted by michaelmosty View Post
Bryan, you have certainly been in an entertaining mood lately with jabs at the Stangs. It is easy to pull SI cars on the straights when they lift and give a point by. ;^)
I'm glad you enjoy them-I'll certainly keep them coming but I'm not the only one that is making those comments either-if you remember some of my best lines I think were around the campfire. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice it in the videos-although a rocket scientist has confirmed this observation. But if you would have said the difference is when you get on the gas maybe you could let that slide but I don't see any evidence that he lifted? Maybe he told you afterwards that he lifted to let him by but I have never seen Dennis lift to let a CMC car by.

But hey-maybe that's just what all the mustang drivers think when they motor by people in the straights that everyone is just lifting to give them a point by..........(i'll be here all night)