Quote Originally Posted by dtanker65 View Post

I want the helmet to crack before my noggin. Don't want people sayin, "yeah he's a mort, but the helmet held up good". I approach safety with the goal of decelerating the impact to the driver (crush zones), let the car and safety gear slow down the event. I "assume" but don't know that the SFI rating is derived from destructive G testing and light weight is in line with the Hans technology

Aviation structural composites haven't been around long enough to gather good life data yet, but it is known that UV is destructive. When the approved inspection procedure for plastic airplanes is to tap on them with a nickel looking for "dead spots" I'd rather ride on a Boeing and suffer the mileage penalty. Helmet is a disposable item. The $3500 helmet might pay off if you are really good looking though.......
Think about the Cirrus SR22 sitting on the ramp month after month year and year. I'm sure most are in hangers since most are so new but who knows in twenty years. I used to regularly fly a 1946 Cub and a 1946 Champ almost every week. Never worried about flying a sixty five year old plane. I'm not sure about the "fast glass" units six decades from now. Guess it will not be my problem since I will not be around but......