Quote Originally Posted by ShadowBolt View Post
I agree with the above statement if purchasing the most expensive helmet is really safer. Can anyone tell me there is a safety difference in a $200.00 helmet and a $3500.00 helmet? If so why don't we all spend $3500.00 for a Arai? Is there anyone that test all or some of the racing helmets where we could see what the higher dollar helmets do different than the low buck units do? Unless the people that say "if you have $100.00 head put it in a $100.00 helmet" are all buying the most expensive helmet they can buy they are still making a decision on what to purchase based on price. I'm going to see if I can find anything on the web about this.


If two helmets meets a certain standard, a helmet company (or salesman for that matter) cannot legally say any one is safer than another. What you're paying for is weight savings, quality of build, and options. One could argue that lighter means less chance of a neck injury and less fatigue through a weekend.

I had a Zamp on during my crash at NOLA last year. It's basically a copy of a bell with cheaper quality finish. It did it's job. Foam dented around the hard point of impact where my head hit the top/ground in the rollover. (you read that right, I didn't have my lap belts tight enough so I actually bonked the ground, shame on me) Since it was 'totaled' from this, I opted to get a carbon Stilo and can't imagine ever using something else now. The comfort is above and beyond any other helmet I've had. Stilo will condition the removable interior so it doesn't get nasty or too tore up over the course of ~10 years. All the options are available for air, water, and coms.

The Stilo coms are one of the best selling points. The ear muffs over the ears instead of earbuds are amazing. No more nasty buds, rushing to put them in when the 5 minutes on grid comes, or comfort issues with a bud wiggling out. Just throw the helmet on and the speakers are over your ear. And the sound quality is perfect.

Definitely try on different helmets. Not all brands have the same fitment.

Stilo highly recommended. $200/year (~$2k and good for ~10 years) is cheap for something built as quality, comfortable, convenient, and as important as it is.