Still holding my thoughts for later as I let this thread do its own thing........ but........
As the CCR is written, the overtaking car with rights to position must place the car 1/4 car width (1/4CW) in the dirt prior to contact before any fault is assigned to the lead car. Why can't we as a series (or a region via a Texas supplemental addition) change this to be that the overtaking car should be willing to leave the racing surface with at least 1/4CW, but the lead car that caused the deviation can be held accountable via a post race penalty? This way contact is avoided and the driver leaving the surface is more willing to do so knowing that the car that caused the issue can have a protest filed against them post race. The offending driver can then be placed behind the driver who left the racing surface to avoid an incident as long as there is sufficient evidence to support said protest.

Earlier it was mentioned that there was a lack of patients from the rear of the field during inverts.
If you watch this vid (the reason I want this rule changed - straw that broke the camels back per say), you will see I was being very patient. My moves were deliberate and low risk. I cannot know that another driver does not see me. If we always assume we are not seen, then all passes are low risk. At some level, faith has to be placed in the hands of our fellow drivers to know what is going on around them. Low corner exit speed due to compromised entry/exit and offline entry to the following corner should be reason for assuming your about to get passed, particularly on an inverted start race.
So this is the reason I want this rule changed. I received more damage from trying to avoid contact than if I had stood my ground. The resulting loss of control caused contact w/ me and another driver that was very very bad for him. There was zero penalty for the driver that caused it per the CCR. In the future if the CCR stay (or our rules) the same, I'll take the contact, do the paperwork and risk the DQ. I don't need to put my car on a frame machine for a DQ. A DQ does not cause me to write checks to a body shop. ......rant off......
All of this is good and well, but none of it fixes the lack of awareness that can cause accidents the same as lack of patients.