Quote Originally Posted by GlennCMC70 View Post
R3. 4:47.
It is a little subjective. I felt more confident about it when I posted originally about it. I had time to watch it several times today (only watched it once before) and I don't feel as strong about it. It appears the lead car makes a move to the left (very small and subtle) and at that moment the trailing car moves to the right only to see the lead car moving to the right now. This move to the right almost causes contact. Again, it is very subjective.
I'll consider it a non-issue since the trailing car didn't comment to an Official about it. Either he didn't care or it wasn't an issue to him.

And yes, I watch all the post race vid's I can after each event to look for issues of this type. It has resulted in talks w/ several folks over the years in an attempt to prevent protests.

Sorry I derailed this thread.
All the lead car/trailing car almost made me think this was about someone else
IMHO Frank did not alter his line nearly enough for me to consider it a block, never mind a double block.
I think what you are seeing is the effect of the narrow view of the camera.
Frank pretty much held a defensive line coming out of the turn all the way into the brake zone...he shimmied a bit right under braking but not on purpose (IMO)
When I got left he holds his line and I knew I could not make the pass on that side so I was going to set up an over-under but he outwaited me and I had to abort.
If anything I should have been less aggressive and just sat back a little to get a nice run off the corner using my normal line (which I tried on the last lap only to F*** it up on the next turn).
If anyone created an *almost* it was me.
As an aside:The lack of peripheral on these videos and poor field of view makes for a poor analysis fodder.
I'm going to alter my mounting position and adjust the focal point going forward.
I know you are just trying to teach/officiate Glenn, but probably would help to talk to the drivers in addition to the video before posting - I actually should have posted before now but I've only had time for fly-bys. Like this was supposed to be